Monday, October 31, 2011


It is very hard around here with all of this Halloween candy in my face. Usually, I don't think much about my favorite candy, milky ways. That's because during the year, I'm usually very careful not to let them in my house. But a few weeks before Halloween, I start stocking up on the stuff to give trick or treaters, and I buy them, lying to myself that they are just for giving out. By now, you would think I would know the drill, and buy something I don't like. But every year, I buy that bag of milky ways! It's like I'm looking for trouble.

I promise myself I'm not going to take even one bite, because I know if I get a taste, I'm going to want more and more. I even torture myself a little by not eating one right away. For a few days, I walk past the bag, I look at the bag, I smell the bag, but I don't give in just yet. When I feel myself becoming weak, I turn the bag over and look at the nutritional facts. I read all the reasons why I should stay away from the milky ways! It works for another few days. Then, and it happens this way every year, I have a stressful day, and start eyeballing that milky way. I convince myself that there's no harm in having "just one." I even convince myself that if I eat one, it will stop becoming something I obsess over, and maybe I can stop there. I am sure it will make me feel better, and I convince myself it won't become a habit.

I eat one, and even though I enjoy every bite, I feel gross inside. Was it worth it? Well, it was so good! I knew it would be!! You know how it goes, one leads to two and three, and pretty soon I devour the entire bag. I wake up thinking about what point in the day I'll have my milky way. If someone else asks to have one, I get a little possessive. I like to keep my milky ways all to myself. In fact, I hide them. I'm weak, I know, and I only hope that giving in doesn't ruin all my eating habits.

But after a while, after that bag has been emptied, and the guilt starts to fade, I come to terms with it. I realize it's okay to be a little self-indulgent once in a while, as long as I don't make it a daily habit the whole year through. I'm only human, and I'll be stronger next year!

I will, you'll see!

What's your candy weakness? Are you strong, or do you give in to temptation?


  1. I most definitely give into my temptation! I always buy the Dum-Dum lollipops since I can really take them or leave them, but once the kids are in bed, I start rifling through their bags. I had three Reese's Peanut Butter cups before lunch today and hid the wrappers in my pockets so my son wouldn't find them. That's pretty weak! You're in good company ; )

  2. Now I know where to send all my peanut butter cups! You know, my oldest has never had a piece of candy, my middle child didn't have any until she was 9, and the little guy probably ate candy between feedings as a baby! I'm weakening on all fronts!!!!

  3. I also love milky ways!!!! Your blog seems similar to what happens in my house as well! You are not alone!
